This is the project website & blog of MIRLCAuto: A Virtual Agent for Music Information Retrieval in Live Coding, a project funded by the EPSRC HDI Network Plus Grant - Art, Music, and Culture theme.
Welcome to Our New Collaborators: TOPLAP Barcelona and FluCoMa!
24 Nov 2020 • Anna Xambó • Post a comment
It is our pleasure to welcome our two new collaborators: TOPLAP Barcelona and FluCoMa. Welcome!
TOPLAP Barcelona is a collective that practices and promotes live coding as a sound and visual creation technique, generating a technological appropriation through the use and development of free and open software focused on generating its own relationships and discourses. Our collaboration will take place during the workshop and performance in Barcelona.

The Fluid Corpus Manipulation project FluCoMa instigates new musical ways of exploiting ever-growing banks of sound and gestures within the digital composition process, by bringing breakthroughs of signal decomposition DSP and machine learning to the toolset of techno-fluent computer composers, creative coders and digital artists. We are using the FluCoMa toolset to develop our virtual agent on top of SuperCollider and MIRLC.