This is the project website & blog of MIRLCAuto: A Virtual Agent for Music Information Retrieval in Live Coding, a project funded by the EPSRC HDI Network Plus Grant - Art, Music, and Culture theme.
Presence at NIME 2021 – June 14-18, 2021
28 Jun 2021 • Anna Xambó • Post a comment

We are proud to announce that the project has been virtually present in Shanghai, China, during the celebration of the annual international conference New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2021, which is unique of its kind.
We presented the following two pieces of work:
- The long paper: Xambó, A., Roma, G., Roig, S., & Solaz, E. (2021). Live Coding with the Cloud and a Virtual Agent. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Retrieved from Conference webpage at
- The performance session: Xambó, A. (2021). A Live Coding Session With the Cloud and a Virtual Agent. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Retrieved from Conference webpage at
For the paper presentation, we had to prepare a 4-minute video explaining the main points of the paper. Then, we had allocated two 1-hour sessions on June 15, 2021, which spanned across one day. This was designed to cover all the potential time zones. For this event, we had the opportunity to present our research in the form of a Q&A poster presentation via Zoom. Next, you can watch the video.
The Q&A poster presentation was, to a certain extent, lively. I found that visitors came with specific questions after watching the video. It would have been nice to be able to watch the other presenters allocated at the same time, which was possible only partially.
The next challenge was to participate in the live Algorave on June 17, 2021, with both an online and on-site audience. The event was happening in a club in Shanghai, but all the performers were streaming online via OBS.Ninja. In my performance, I decided to add a chat to unite the audience. They were invited to suggest "tags" that I could use to query sounds from the Freesound database. To my surprise, the chat was used too openly, which indicates that I should contextualize better why this chat is designed to be used. In any case, it was nice to notice the telepresence of the audience in a lively, interactive manner, given that I was not able to see the concert venue nor the audience. Next, you can watch the video of my performance (starting at 36:18). I recommend the full event.
Here you can find direct links to the paper submission, poster, and performance submission:
Acknowledgements #
Thank you very much to the NIME 2021 committee, with special thanks to the paper co-chairs Xiao Xiao and Roger Dannenberg for all their help with the paper submission process and the music co-chair Eric Parren for all his help with the music submission process and realisation of the Algorave. Also thank you to Daniel Chin for his help with the online publication of the poster. Many thanks to the visitors of the poster presentation and audience at the Algorave.