This is the project website & blog of MIRLCAuto: A Virtual Agent for Music Information Retrieval in Live Coding, a project funded by the EPSRC HDI Network Plus Grant - Art, Music, and Culture theme.
They Are the Robots: Online Live Coding Session at Transnodal TOPLAP – February 21, 2021
21 Feb 2021 • Anna Xambó • Post a comment
There has been a great weekend of live-coding events during Transnodal TOPLAP (19-21 February, 2021). I have participated in the TOPLAP Sheffield node (21 February 17:00-19:30 GMT), which had the contributions from:
- 17:00 Heavy Lifting
- 17:30 Anna Xambo
- 18:00 Gerard Roma
- 18:30 Yaxu
- 19:00 Kar Pouzi
- 19:30 Sleepsang
It was great to see all the great work from the different nodes, and especially to find out more about the TOPLAP Sheffield node! You can see the nice flyer made by Lucy + CNDSD for the TOPLAP Sheffield node below, and all the flyers on the Transnodal TOPLAP website.

My performance is using the MIRLCa library with some new functionalities, such as expanding the VA to the "tag" method and printing the list of sound credits within the live coding environment. The three workshops that we organised in December 2020-January 2021 together with IKLECTIK, l'ull cec / TOPLAP Barcelona, and Leicester Hackspace have been very useful to identify a list of new functionalities that I am considering when developing the tool. This exemplifies a participatory design approach to software development that I'm interested in exploring further.
You can watch the video of my performance below:
Acknowledgments #
Thanks to Alex McLean and TOPLAP Sheffield for their invitation to participate and constant support. Thanks to Gerard Roma and the participants of the workshops for their insightful conversations. Thank you to Petros Galanakis for some technical equipment used in this performance.