This is the project website & blog of MIRLCAuto: A Virtual Agent for Music Information Retrieval in Live Coding, a project funded by the EPSRC HDI Network Plus Grant - Art, Music, and Culture theme.
Dirty Dialogues: Live Album Release
01 Oct 2021 • Anna Xambó • Post a comment

It is our pleasure to announce the new album release Dirty Dialogues on Chicago netlabel pan y rosas discos, a collaboration between Dirty Electronics Ensemble led by John Richards, Jon.Ogara and Anna Xambó. The album art and design have been carefully crafted by Angela Guyton, who has created amazing album designs (see here).
The digital album includes a booklet that has been designed to be print-friendly. On one side of the booklet, there is all the information about the live album production and the team involved. On the other side, there is an A3 poster of the album cover. The booklet is part of the digital album download.
Here's the press release of the album:
Dirty Dialogues is an encounter between Dirty Electronics Ensemble, Jon.Ogara and Anna Xambó in a free music improvisation session after a long pandemic lockdown. Thirteen musicians on stage combining analogue and digital instruments, acoustic and electronic materials, live coding and DIY sound-making techniques. An intense polymorphic journey of sonic exploration and chaos, which is especially recommended for noise music lovers.
The album was recorded on May 17, 2021, at PACE (De Montfort University) with no audience due to COVID-19 restrictions. The event was organised by MTI2, De Montfort University in collaboration with l’ull cec.
You can find out further information and download the album from:
All the proceeds from this album will be donated to Freesound.